“Go-to” Websites

1. Penn State Extension (http://extension.psu.edu/)

The Penn State Extension, a website funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provides information for a number of topics, including natural gas. Their website is laid out well with easy-to-find links to several areas of the topics. It separates information into categories for landowners, community and government, and businesses. They have detailed maps that show Marcellus Shale regions in the United States and a page to share important contacts for more information.

2. StateImpact (https://stateimpact.npr.org/)

A website begun in 2011 by National Public Radio stations, StateImpact examines how policy and issues affect the general public. Their reporting focuses on separate topics for each state involved, with Pennsylvania’s topic being energy. They then break down the topic of energy into the issues of regulation, economy, influence and impact and provide background information for each subtopic, such as Marcellus Shale and fracking.

3. Marcellus Drilling News (http://marcellusdrilling.com/)

Editor of Marcellus Drilling News, Jim Willis, boasts the fact that he gathers all of the information from the Internet on Marcellus Shale that would be most interesting to landowners and puts it in one place for the reader’s convenience. Additionally, the website has a detailed list of links for more information, breaking them down into several subsections, such as those who support and oppose drilling, government organizations and energy services. Although this website focuses on drilling for natural gas, it also has an abundant amount of articles on pipelines.

4. Inside Climate News (http://insideclimatenews.org/)

Inside Climate News is a non-profit organization that covers several topics concerning the environment, such as natural gas. Apart from covering the topics with occasional updates, the small group of 13 journalists also conducts investigative reporting, which they then compile into an e-book available for those members of a general public who want to read deeper into the issues. Some of these focus on energy topics, such as “Exxon: The Road Not Taken” and “Keystone and Beyond,” and although pipelines are not covered in these e-books, there is a lot of information for pipelines on the website.

5. Pipelines International (http://pipelinesinternational.com/)

While the other websites focused on national news surrounding environmental issues, including the pipelines, Pipelines International looks broadly at all of the pipeline issues in the world. The website, which is also a magazine, allows for visitors to limit their search to pipeline projects, integrity and maintenance, machinery and equipment, operations and certain regions of the world. This allows for readers to compare the pipeline issues in North America with the worldwide issues.

6. The Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/)

The Guardian is a British international daily news site that commonly covers environmental topics in its reporting, with pipelines among these topics. This media site is not strictly environmental, so they do not have a separate section for energy or pipelines. However, because it is not specifically an environmental news site, the articles published by The Guardian might reach an even larger audience environmental sites.